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Open House New York and ARTNOIR are collaborating to present ten sites that illustrate how the built environment is a catalyst for cultural exchange during the 14th Annual Open House New York Weekend.

On Saturday and Sunday, October 15 and 16, 2016, ARTNOIR: City of Cultural Exchange sites will highlight narratives that reflect on the relationship between identity and place.

Every New York City building carries the DNA of those that have built, rebuilt and reclaimed them over time," says ARTNOIR co-founder Sherlen Archibald. "By mapping out the historical legacies of these sacred spaces, we aim to highlight and explore how the built environment serves as an essential catalyst for cultural exchange in both the present and future." 

For more information on sites and activities for OHNY Weekend check out the full list here. You can also follow the conversation via hashtag #CityofCulturalExchange for highlights!